Ryan Abel

Open Source

I got into open source with the announcement and release of the Nokia 770 in late 2005. It was my first real experience with Linux and open source, and it proved to be quite the eye-opener. Like many of the Maemo Community dating from those days I started out on the Internet Tablet Talk forums, but eventually branched out to the other channels as they became more active.

In 2008 Andrew Flegg came up with the idea of forming a community council for Maemo to help provide leadership for the community. Simon Pickering and myself soon joined in to help flesh out and push the idea. I ended up serving 3-terms on the council before deciding to leave the work to new people with fresher ideas.

Maemo Weekly News

Andrew Flegg started Maemo Weekly News in early 2010 as a way to help summarize the massive amount of activity taking place in the Maemo and MeeGo communities. I joined the project a number of weeks after inception with the intention of aggregating a bit of news here and there and helping with the copy-editing, but somewhere along the line ended up as Andrew's Vice-Editor. We summarize the major news from the week every Sunday, along with a bit of editorial embellishment, for posting to the website as well as the Maemo and MeeGo Planets.


I recently renewed my interest in photography with the purchase of a Canon 7D in 2010 and a number of lenses (Thanks, in particular, to the rise of the HDSLR). I primarily shoot wildlife, but you can see some of my work on Flickr.